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By Ian Millhiser May 21 2024

Justice Alito: A Conservative Force on the Supreme Court

By Ian Millhiser, May 21, 2024

Justice Samuel Alito has emerged as a leading voice of the conservative movement on the Supreme Court. His recent speeches and dissents have taken aim at the Biden administration, further cementing his status as a staunch opponent of the president's policies.

In a speech last week, Alito criticized the Biden administration's executive orders, calling them an "unprecedented assault on the separation of powers." He also accused the administration of "using the federal government to silence political dissent." Alito's comments were met with praise from conservatives and criticism from liberals.

Alito's recent dissents have also reflected his conservative judicial philosophy. In a dissent to a decision upholding the Affordable Care Act, Alito argued that the law was unconstitutional. He also dissented from a decision striking down a state law that restricted access to abortion. Alito's dissents have been influential in shaping the court's decisions on these and other high-profile cases.

Alito's conservative views have drawn criticism from some legal scholars, who argue that he is too willing to overturn precedent and that his decisions are often based on his personal beliefs rather than the law. However, Alito's supporters maintain that he is a principled judge who is not afraid to stand up for his beliefs. They argue that his opinions are well-reasoned and that he is a valuable member of the Supreme Court.

As the Supreme Court continues to hear high-profile cases, Alito is likely to remain a central figure in the conservative movement. His decisions will have a significant impact on American law and society for years to come.
